The Daily Herald from Everett, Washington (2024)

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The Daily Heraldi

Everett, Washington

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E8 Saturday 04091 1 Herald NASDAQ STOCKS 13 66819 1800 2143 309 Orthovta A 882 35 01 CeHdexlh HnLhe 1115 405 ACMoweV PLXTch ATP OK AXThc 442 StriWArs AcadaTc 684 292 17 SlewEM 398 oasMda ormfx AanePkl Sucass Paramkh ossil he ArtvePwr 19 levd3 13 redshc AanPh 117 Pattun SipcndTdi 115 12 AdvATedl 624 PttPkRn 670 894 742 23 21360 RerfectWld GT Solar 12 10 IhearTdi 157012 152 13 looLcotn 5220 2538 US MA 229 190 224 14 2690 1832 18 TSnd PositWDh 41 Gleacher TPCGro TTMIdr 59 GWafstar 14 PwShsQQQ 215 TalecrisBio 2 TechData Comcast 41 PrinrtnRh TeleTech CmdVehd 93 93 Tesla Mot MamKd TetraTc 14 A HancHld 3457 3306 3324 40 HansenMed 51 Comfrgh 17 51 CorinthC 47 202 MekoCrwn Costco 135 MentorGr CraderB 34516 Mercerintl CrosstexE 12 TranSwteh 3984 2209 Hrttrte TrrtWeN 266 MknnT CytRxh 83 HudsCrty 367 3158 2273 2559799 Cytori 773 11 HutdiT 1921 1210 8331 1 Mrtcham UtdOnh 56077 Utdlherap UrbanOut 3308 3031 3245 132 281 Ml NatCheM 51 20 Nektarlh 1606 16 866 21 20 47 897 105921 SarontPh MS? WamerChr NewsCpA SdCmfn 8989 Semtech Wehcom 514 2679 776 NuVasiw 34505 BraleCm WemerEnt EMMs 797 NutriSyst 325 27 WestelT 87585 NxSugeMd OrootaAuto Shoreta 143 1124 7 24 17274 9150 02 161 14 115 77 3009 2928 2957 24 37 23 68 24 05 12612 3654 2142 7605 7374 7428 J2 19 ax 9 64 35 Al 10364 235 20 39 CVBW 937 22 1912 847 75 3345 1016 3108 1007 24915 243236 2079 1919 1987 mTd 447 313 1974 12366 75 3934 41563 5754 119 132 XEfW 24789 OrthdCd 25521 MUTUAL UNDS 1105 43 mkAdv: 2129 212942 1041 22 1895 1888 42 1945 196511 226 41 1543 46 01 55 tS 1243 1236 47 1116 1114 02 01 IM II 15615072 Al 'I £02:3 956 956 909 01 130 2123 31 3146 05 3482 3482 20 '3 Causeway Inti: Instrtutnlnr 13 IfO Amer Beacon AMR: 1465 03 1147 02 113441 3629203 4497 5102 5026 45 1202 41 41 3 1584 1584 27 Irst Investors A ederated 10 84 1084 02 47 1343 ourfnOnen KM a TBRlcJCt 2287 2277 5760 5715 44 USCoreEqx Incomed Goldman CognizTech GotatNG GolarLNGi 1043 21145 14245 19512 4496 2242 5465 3144 152399 18756 979 656 18 12 EchekwC EchoStar eOrts cm OwtaMed OmNGas CNnaSun CWValve ChXDPIas 745 368 590 275 3675 1663 97362 HanwhaSd Hartrtlec 19679 20373 14718 MkroSwni Microsoft 987 130 271 525 84057 664671 1115 468 1326 78592 352 295 117 105 268 01 119 1294 25272 43304 13725 45936 27657 16971 137364921 16 41 Coinstar CoMwtrCrk CotumUs OwterCm Wort 1212 1168 61425 165731 21040 231653 36111 81766 18269 561 301 389 HSdren HercOfch HereTGC Htbett stSolar TNDXTc 12106 403944 9206 52063 9121 454646 9204 228371 33164 24464 135231 UbGloM UbGtobC 54785 10005 14585 13010 112126 13623 9593 57054 55850 120784 450 STI Sanderfm SanDisk Quidet Quin Street Parish Pariumw PaetedW Painlher RmAShr PaneraSrd PSSWrid bcWstBc 15860 8185 23124 USA Tech UTiWrWwd UTStrcm StehMrt SwnCefc Starfiuk Strident StartmdB 92664 240043 1171 1157 1636 1481 3097 375 6570 14 31 OevSioLh OncDaa OsmCM OinaDir ClmGerui 164249 9M3 39313 56420 11650 14480 12134 11062 501 1064 602 334 333 434 ICOGibA IdenUbs Honehft HotTopc HSNrt HanCd 150 100 570 662 11220 16927 268215 11138 13837 27496 13426 9991 74416 39857 83797 25338 42431 14717 24691 13322 22638 1415 1393 1471 933 197 907 1139 944 1071 5616 5441 $450 297 2 76 183 1510 1175 1512 134 1542 158870 81 93 355720 9372 8294 105831 55167' 15063 PnceTR PrSmrt 2400 1686 867 519 123444 62703 64652 675445 11530 23922 55851 126072 9197 34914 43320 55687 11247 42794 70415 14981 44250 56552 1058 1432 2145 Ened EiwNOC BR unds: oorslrrv RC2 RMkD 1543 2344 2513 3301 2923 3196 3742 1180 17374 25810 69071 fifthllwd findEngin 330930 51850 117526 31365 13792 31173 20052 uftmnd untalkChi usNCw NetSofTdi NetSpende NetwkEng NetlUEPS NelogkM 46859 14351 13916 19931 57788 19576 84173 5581 X599168 iShAsiaed tShACWI iShsSQX 3213 2025 2813 1958 320 116 7990 5480 2499 982 6163 1393 18323 185206 61637 10623 12014 33766 37077 205349 13016 68336 35261 21308 1700 114 2069 1144 6126 5026 181 505 2752 1635 1318 941 3705 250 1565 879 185 122 2197 1702 162 781 181 692 1642 1573 1601 07 3245 3087 3114 22 5686 5301 5624 279 155 144 418 451 79 07 10805 87745 23964 12997 39574 17532 42038 12839 8746 21867 17210 15873 12018 2043 42519 19665 167348 21107 13441 133211 26425 22321 81619 1197 1816 1171 2643 2491 2574 1973 1922 1940 1463 1395 1439 1825 1731 1755 2327 2220 2136 11771 61981 23821 (30167 17310 115323 60227 71175 24573 2412 1742 3888 1254 116 111 320 132 150 200 1030 45 596 577 199 $1772 51900 129183 19227 124780 770 700 706 1150 1093 1149 105 1079 L92 752 801 37 749 390 2504 1511 3232 2234 759 117 1697 940 700 191 5468 3324 39392 24605 3096 2100 1024 422 3172 2076 2912 9415 34t7 2245 263? 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Article information

Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Views: 5779

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.