Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (2024)

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Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU

Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (1)


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a week ago

I got a new Quest 3 and I'm trying to configure all my settings to make DCS work well. My quest is hooked up to my pc with the Quest Link cable and I seem to be getting a solid 2.5gpbs out of it.

At the moment I changed the refresh rate to 72Hz and resolution to 5408x2912. Things look great in game and my GPU is usually running at 90%. Frames seem to be fluctuating between 72fps and 36fps, I think that's something DCS does automatically.

Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (2)

But after about 10-15 minutes things suddenly really start lagging. I checked task manager and noticed OVRServer is running at 100%. Before that it was running at 20-30%. I have no clue why it suddenly shoots up so high.

I tried the same mission with the same DCS settings in Virtual Desktop and these are the stats

Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (3)

The game runs buttery smooth. The only issue I have is that my router/powerlink is 100Mb/s, which is too little for Virtual Desktop so my connection doesn't look as sharp. To a pleb like me it seems that the issue is probably related to an Oculus Codec or something.


  • Labels:
  • Meta Quest 3
  • dcs
  • GPU
  • lag
  • OVRServer
  • pcvr
  • Quest 3
  • virtual desktop



Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (4)

Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (5)MetaQuestSupport

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a week ago

Hey there, @arnvanhoutte! Thanks for reaching out to us! We understand with wanting to play with the best graphics to get absolutely immersed in Digital Combat Simulator! We appreciate the details of the troubleshooting steps you have attempted as well as the screenshots, it helps a bunch! Since you're using DCS, we'd like to note that some games are more graphically demanding than others, and will take a larger toll on GPU's (ex. DCS). This will cause a GPU to reach higher temperatures than less intensive games. While these alone should not cause a GPU to overheat, it could be a large contributing factor. Other possible contributing factors include:

  • Computer is on top of carpet, preventing the bottom fans from getting air
  • Computer is stored in a corner or under something, causing reduced airflow
  • Computer's internals are blocked, restricting air from moving through the device
  • Fans on the computer case have stopped working

We'd suggest to explore options to avoid overheating such as underclocking or undervolting your GPU, or lowering graphical load either via bitrate settings or fidelity settings. We hope this helps, please let us know how it works out!

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Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (7)MetaQuestSupport

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a week ago

Hey there! If you're still encountering issues after following the troubleshooting steps, please let us know. We look forward to hearing back from you!

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I understand that DCS is graphically quite demanding. But what I find weird is that with the same settings the game runs smooth when using an app like Virtual Desktop, but runs poorly when using Oculus' native software. As you can see from the task manager screenshot it's not DCS that is the bottleneck for my GPU, but OVRServer_64.exe, which is the software that Oculus uses for the Quest Link IIRC.


Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (9)

Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (10)MetaQuestSupport

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We appreciate you following up! To help us take a closer look, could you please provide your computer specs? We'd also like for you to ensure the Oculus PC app is up-to-date.

We look forward to your response!

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Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (11)


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Yes my app is up to date. I tried switching to the beta channel but there was no difference.

My specs are:
GPU - RTX 3080
CPU - i9 13900k,
RAM - 64gb DDR5


Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (12)

Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (13)MetaQuestSupport

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Thanks for sending that information. After further review, we have some troubleshooting, and we would like you to give it a go. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Disconnect the Rift/Link cable from the computer
  2. Disconnect your computer from the internet
  3. Backup any necessary content. You can find steps on how to do so by clicking here.
  4. Reboot into Safe Mode. You can find steps on how to do so by clicking here.
  5. Uninstall the Oculus PC app using the Control Panel. You can find steps on how to do so by clicking here.
  6. Delete all Oculus folders from the following folder:C:\Program Files
  7. Remove any Oculus folders from the following locations:
    1. C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData
    2. C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData\Local
    3. C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData\LocalLow
    4. C:\Users\YourUserProfile\AppData\Roaming
    5. C:\OculusSetup-DownloadCache
  8. Restart your computer in normal mode
  9. Reconnect your computer to the internet
  10. Install the Oculus PC app again using the setup tool from our website here
  11. Reconnect the Rift/Link cable and re-test the headset

After you are done, please reach back out and give us an update. We will still be happy to assist you further if needed. Your time and understanding are appreciated. Thanks again, and talk soon!

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Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (14)

Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (15)MetaQuestSupport

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Hi again, @arnvanhoutte. How are things going? Were you able to get a resolution? Please reach back out and let us know. We are happy to continue assisting you if needed as well. Talk soon!

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Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (16)

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Oculus VR Server suddenly uses 100% GPU (2024)
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.