Chapter Text
He personally hated the fact that corruption was also here as well. Yea the surface corruption theme fucking slaps harder than it needs to be but its life or death in the living, not the actual video game. He sat in his UFO as it hovered over a corruption biome.
It was the same as the crimson but this also eld to him with a conclusion. This world was in pre-hardmode. If these monsters exist here does that mean…other people from terraria came here?!
He felt extremely giddy about it to the point he hoped in his seat as it shook the spacecraft.
“I could kill the wall of flesh but…that would bring straight destruction wouldn't it? All these nations without proper defense succumbed to mere possessed armors or less, one of the three mechanical bosses.
He jumps put of the floating vehicle as it disappears. He lands on the ground with his wings spreaded out to catch his fall.
He looked around and the distorted landscape. The corruption had infused itself in a heavily snowy mountain as the earth seemed to just puke out land whenever it wanted to. This time though the snow was a shade of dark purple and mushy to texture.
A couple more mindless killings later, he finds a deep purple raven.
“Killing the Eater of Worlds underground will be a hassle. Gonna hafta do em above ground.” He spread his pure white wings and flew down the ravine, just landing inside the corrupted cave of sorts
“Demon altar there…there. Hm more of these pests.” He quickly dashed towards the corrupters and slimes as he easily sliced and diced their body into pieces. He always found rotten chunks to be the better version than vertebrates.
Even though no more enemies were near him, he still heard death. He followed the noise and turned around a corner.
“A Chimaera? Down here?” He watched as the tall monster woman killed off the rest of the corrupted enemies with ease in ways of crushing, slicing, or full on ripping their bodies apart slowly.
Syliss was pretty much amazed at finally meeting one in person. It looked HELLA powerful for something that could be lustful as those giant claws could rip at least Mythril armor in two.
“Come. I can smell you.”The beast says out loud which completely catches him off guard. He comes out with his arms up and a sly smirk.
“Ah well you caught me. Never expected a Chimaera to be down here.”
“...” the monster had a calm expression on its face as she looked Syliss up and down but then she turned away, hacking at a slime that happened to be right near her.
“Leave human. This place isn't safe for someone like you. And besides, i'm a bit pissed off when my mountain gets taken over by some blasted virus!” She smashes the slime with her foot as its gel splashes everywhere.
Syliss was shocked for a minute. The thing didn't try to seduce him or be lustful at all! Maybe killing those two can be way quicker with her.
“Unfortunately for you i've dealt with this specific thing more times than I can count.”
“Oh? Then how do we get rid of this infection, oh so competent humans?”
“Its quite simple actually.” He pulls out the crystal crusher which immediately gets a glare from the Chimaera. He points it down as a laser beam from the tip and eviscerates the floor beneath. The monster girl felt a chill go down her spine and she heard treacherous voices echo around her. Her calm demeanor soon broke into a nervous one as she looked at the now madman in front of her. He had a smug grin on his face as he leaned on the pickaxe.
“What did you…”
“No no give it a minute.” instantly, a worm erupts from beneath Syliss as it shot up as he disappeared with the worm. It ravaged through the earth as if an earthquake was currently happening.
‘What the hell?!” The woman said in complete shock and distress. She followed the worm up a Ravine by jumping from wall to wall. When she got to the surface, the blindfolded man was not only playing around with the worm, but also a disgusting brain of sorts. She wanted to puke on the spot then and there.
“It's funny how i can hear Hive minds' theme intercepts Eater of worlds! Oh well, to each that meets their end I guess!’ Syliss pulls out a purple crystal. It makes a whirring noise before obliterating the entire giant worm in an instant. He wasted no time and shot it towards the abomination as it not only disintegrated that thing, but it made a fat crater in the earth as well!
“Yea thats what i was talking about ma’am! First you go kill everything, kill these two, then,” he pulls out the Clentaminator as he posed with it.” Get this beauty and spray away!” A green solution pours from it as he sprays it everywhere. He used his wings as a sort of rotating to spin his body so fast in a circle that he looked like a blur.
After he was done, the entire area was as if the corruption hadn't even existed in the first place.
“You said you’ve dealt with this before? Just what is it?”
“That is called corruption. A biome which is a hivemind of itself with all its creations being disgusting abominations. There’s also the crimson but I'll say it's worse since the biome is living and not a collective bee hive.”
“How badly do these things spread? Don't want my parents and myself to be swept up by such annoyances.”
“Now you can get rid of it indefinitely but there will be just that one piece of it somewhere in the world. They grow really fast and adding the releases of light and dark spirits, it would be catastrophic if not separated.”
“Light and dark…? My father spouts about that from time to time. Are you his relative or something?” The Chimaera circled around Syliss looking him up and down. Her curiosity was skyrocketing at the resemblance to her “father” and this man infront of her.
“Well I will use this information if this happens again. Might i ask, can you accompany me to my parents house in the mountains?”
“What? A pup like yourself can walk alone?”
“Say one more word and I will gut you.”
“Trust me! I've already tried!”
Syliss hated this. He really did.
‘A fat cabin in the mountains? I wonder who was able to produce a Momano who didn't instantly go for a man's pelvis. It must be some type of god of a man but no. IT'S THIS PIECE OF SHIT!’
“If it isn't my minion! So dedicated to those 250 fishing quests I see?” Syliss stared at Jack the Angler with malice. He did NOT expect the husband to be this prick and he DEFINETLY did not expect him to be vibing in the damn MOUNTAINS when he prefers the FUCKING OCEAN!
Slyiss' face cracked with a smile trying his best to be formal but restraining every nerve in his body not to obliterate the man right in front of him. Due to not only his wife standing behind him, and the other Chimaera.
“So up in the mountains Jake. I took you more of a SEA type of guy eh?”
“Oh there is a sea alright, it's just north of here. I walk there, fish, come back and boom! Happy life am I right? Not to mention, there's a lot of new fish as well here?” Jake was going to say something but Syliss immediately put his hand up.
“No No, I'm not doing anymore of your “quest” dude. I've already suffered enough.” Jake looks between me and the Chimaera for what seems like an hour.
“Im guessing Lula here found you fucking something up again?”
“Actually father,” She chimed in.” The corruption you talked about spreaded towards us so i went there to get rid of it…without knowing how to. That's when this man came and purified the area.” Jake wanted to make a smug retort from about anything he could pull from the conversation but decided not to. Then he stared straight towards Syliss.
“So, what happened to you bub? You put down that infamous jungle tyrant?” Syliss looked around worryingly at the two monster girls in the vicinity. Jake notices this and does a quick hand sign to motion them out.
“This is going to get a bit personal, girls. I suggest you stay outside for a bit.” The two leave with the wife having not a care in the world while Lula looks concerned towards her father and Syliss before following her mother out.
With the two gone, Syliss continued.” Yea i bested him. Only problem was I couldn't get back and…my actions were already in motion as I stabbed myself for reasons.”
“Bored because you bested the best ? C'mon man I know you way more than everyone else!”
“Well since you know how i got here how did you?”
“Well actually, 3 hours after you left, the sun got brighter and brighter. It was different from when providence awoke more like the sun itself was collapsing. The land was shifting upwards and everything was turning into a golden light. Next thing I know, portal, been here for a couple years or so, met Hima, the love of my life, daughter, then we have this.”
Syliss' brain stopped.
‘Wait hold up. Couple of years? I've been gone for…A COUPLE OF YEARS?” He screamed out of sheer shock before immediately calming himself down.
“Yea, and what's even crazier was way before I was even here, the things from home started to appear here as well! Well, more frequently that it is. Before it was just from time to time now they’re everywhere.”
“So what? You’re telling me I killed a tyrant and suddenly it causes a chain reaction to essentially merge worlds into one? And me finally being here is a sign that the merger is complete?”
“I'm a fisherman, not a crazy lunatic dude. But not a bad hypothesis. Might add that to my rambling notepad.” Syliss slouched in his seat as he took in the information. His mind was running at speeds not recorded as thought after thought made idea after idea.
“Hima did hear tales about how the corruption which they called the “Biome Virus' ' was here a very, VERY long time ago but was quickly dealt with by dragons. Now dont go to solutions but these either might be the dragon here…or somehow and some fucking way, those dragons manage to get here somehow.” Syliss stares at the floor in deep thought.
“But you shouldn't worry about all of that man! You’re basically…fuckin god? Yea god slayer!”
“Yea i slayed gods and ones that gave themselves that name but i'm not gonna underestimate everything here. I can be goofy for shits and giggles all I want but I'm not gonna make the same mistake again.”
“...” Jake simply shrugged and flipped through his fish encyclopedia.
“Got anymore of those blood oranges?”
“Why should I give you any?”
‘C'mon don't be stingy! I'll give you a platinum fishing rod!” Syliss instantly pulls out three blood oranges from his inventory. Jake snatches them and throws the fishing rod towards Syliss as he handles it with premium care.
“Pleasure doing business with ya!”
“U-U huh…” he teleported away.
“Alright you two can come back now.” The two walked back in with Helma leaping to his side.
“So you weren't going to tell him we had good hearing?”
“Took him fishing one time and he couldn't even hear the leviathan when it was right in front of him! Hah!” He tossed a blood orange to each of them.
“These things I got from him are very good by the way, like holy crap!”
He counted two corruption biomes purified and wanted to do one more before heading back and making sure Amillia didn't blow up all his progress.
“W-Wait! i-I just smelled a hus-!”
Syliss sighed at the fond memories he made just a mere 30 minutes ago. He was currency walking through a dimly lit forest. Yea he could fly but he was tired. He could use a mount but he didnt feel like it! Honestly I can't tell if it was pure laziness or pettiness but I don't have a proper answer for that.
A loud scream echoed throughout the forest as some birds, shaken by the sudden noise, flew off from their nest in an instant. He looked to the skies and realized that it was dark! Purifying those biomes must’ve taken him forever then but it only felt at least an hour of time.
This time though he had equipped Fishrons wings and he flew above the dense forest.
“Something is watching me.” Something Massive barely missed Syliss’s body as it crashed into the trees below. He turned his head and saw a massive spherical entity.
“Never knew the eye could be that fast.” He flew backwards as the floating eye scratched. Syliss realized that it was in its 2nd form besides its first.
“Did someone manage to beat it down?” He jumped from tree to tree as each roar was a volley of plant life either being devoured or destroyed in its wake.
Syliss continued to jump and maneuver from tree to tree. He had gotten bored from the repetitiveness and decided to take a hit. A thought had crossed his mind.
‘Wait, does vanity override my armor here?’
Fortunately, the hit only tingled. It sent him through a tree but he instantly regained his footing. Thank god he was wearing all those accessories continuously. But the fact that he had felt something told him that wearing vanity is saying thats his real armor.
“God this fuckin sucks! Why cant it be like terraria!” Earth appeared in his hand and in one quick motion he sliced the giant eyeball in two, leaving its treasure bag on the ground.
“If i ever fight anything post moonlord then i gotta wear armor then.”
Chapter 13
“Amillia, Olivia, brats. What. is. This.” he had never seen so much food on a single table before. It was actually hypnotic at how delicious all the meat, vegetables, and just anything that was edible were on there.
“This Syliss is food. Have you never seen this?” Olivia said mockingly as she giggled to herself. Syliss rolled his eyes.
“Whatever Olivia. But actually…this is a lot. I've never seen this much food at once.” The kids were already sitting down and were getting pretty impatient.
“Well Syliss let's before the kids get restless!”
“Big brother! Why must you wear that blindfold everywhere?”
“How does she see? Is he a samurai!?”
“Sam you gotta touch his hair, it's so soft!”
Syliss wanted to send these brats to the moon as they ruffled his hair and poked at him from all angles. Olivia whispered something into each of them for this to happen so he was definitely going to get her back later.
“Cmon kids don't pile on him!”
‘Oh my god thank you Amillia you are a lifesaver!’ All the kids groaned before running into Olivia's room.
“So you remember teaching me about magic right? Do you think I can officially be your…student of sorts?”
“Sure why not. Bored as hell right now so might as well help ya.” Amillia turned around as she pumped her arm in the air.
“Well your water manipulation has great potential and it's powerful already. Only problem is rather than let the mana flow through you while using mana, you converge it all at one point to release an attack.” Syliss walks around the training dummy as he thinks about what hes gonna say next.
“Now releasing magic from a specific point can bring good results. More powerful attacks or really precise ones. But that would hurt the specific part in which you released the mana. Lets take your wrist for example. From what you’ve told me you released a pretty devastating geyser But your wrist hurts soon after. My theory is you stored up mana subconsciously in there and released it all through your hands, causing a mini explosion happening in the bones of your wrists.”
“Subconsciously? I just thought that's how everyone does it?”
“Not if you wanna be disabled. Now, I want you to hit this dummy with your body and not your wrists.” She tilted her head in confusion. Well of course he didn't explain it further anyways.
“Try to control the mana at a specific point and through your body at the same time. Making you take way less damage but you do less damage. Now, try to make that same geyser you were so adamant about before.” He sits back on the grass and watches her start to unleash some of her magic. Sometimes she would release a lot then stop a second later, or stand there for a while concentrating releasing water from both hands.
‘Maybe I should kill that dune worm so I can get access to the sunken sea without its interference.’ Syliss checked his storage for any beginner weapons in water magic.
‘Wait since weapons here are more powerful than in terraria, I should just kill that clam! Ha, I'm so smart me!’ He closed his book and sat up. He had no clue how he hadn't noticed but the dummy was halfway destroyed, water was basically everywhere like it rained badly, and Amillia was on the ground with her hands shaking.
“Woah you ok there Amiillia?”
“I-i can't let go now! I need to train more to save them!” She tried to lift herself off the ground but she staggered straight back.
“Woah ok this is bad.” Syliss swept her up in a bridal carry position. She was too much in distress and pain to even make an actual reaction to it. Realizing he couldn't use his rod of discord because his hands were occupied, he threw the woman over his shoulders and pulled out the pink rod to teleport back inside.