Daily News Advertiser from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)

'oiirt H'lnu) illl.C Ul, BOARD OF NEWS. FINANCE Princess May Arrives From the North A Delightful Trip for Tourists R.M.S. Tar tar in From the Orient The Over-Seas Limited and the Atlantic-Pacific Empress Service. Waterfront Notes. Improvements in Ntreet-Lijtlit-in System Inijioswl Until ns Regards mil rtilitv.

The Old IVo-jle Again. ('nmliineil In-ImI and Ambulance Wagon. Tlie Kverlasting Ineiner-ator Problem. Tin Wasting Nuisance. 1ATIP'L.

The Fire and Pellce Committee scut In request Huit tin; Finance Coinmll-lee tirovMo funds to purchase a tciim of horses for tlie anibuluuee. which was li be kept III No. Fire Hull. AM, llulmi favored a combined imlrul uiid siliibuliiiice for accldcl*ta. He hud been In Scuttle lately and bad aeen how well tin; pulnil worked there.

Tlnrc huh im ca-rylng drunken men Hiniuah the street. In Victoria, where then- whm iiatnil It mss a revenue prudiii'liiR proposIHon. It was pulnted out that Chief Uhls-holm was iipiKised tu patrol, but AM. lijbe thought lie wus nut so Mining In IIiIm opinion us be hud Imeik It Mould Imnlly look well, uh surrcmIinI liy the Chief, iluil drunks should lie curried on a slri'lcher, AM, 1 1 i-ii ims wild that two-thirds of tile Hnplr Mlio used tile Mniliiilaiicc could my for It uml they should. liaise tlsiught Hint eliurgo should lie miiilc, uml If It was not sil I all rihl.

cluirse In accident cases was lull AM. Wllllnuis stood out for. mid AM. I nIIuiii csplnlned Hint this Mas In- opinion of tlie memliers of the Fire and Ili-r I'ommlllcc. Aid.

I leaps M'dM of the opliiloii Iluil the Cy could wive money liy adhering to the conlriici system of having drunks eniTtod to the Police Htatkin In liiicks. The pioisisIHiiii lliwlly gut down to that the picsclil iimhulaui'n sluiuld lie left alone, ami I hut the City should hate ii iniiliined patrol mid aiiibuluuee wiiyini. The cost would lie ulxillt ISSl. A motion being pul lo lliut cffiHt, Aid. Morion iwivcd mi niut-iiiliiia-iil Dial the mailer be slissl over until The C.

rtcami-r Princess May, Ciipiuln Mela' oil. Ilk'll reached port ycKtcnluy morning from Kkugwny via Northern llrlllsh C'ulumbiu ports hiouahl down the largest number of pnssi'iiBi'rM that has come south to Vancouver tills year. Hhu hud about UK) first class passengers and 109 Uriel. ImIs In tlie steerage. A large number of, tin passengers were from Dawson uiid other Yukon points, while lln reiiutliider -emhurked at Northern Coluuiliht ports.

-Many of Hu- passengers were tourists mIio thu round lrii the ciacli Xorihcru flyer. Tourist truvrl to Hie North Is Incivasliig each year and now tlie golden north Is Ihe Mecca for Hie tonrlst who In other years Iiiim MKnt the Hummer time In touring Kunis and oilier count rk-s. The imrihrrn trip Is une that Is Isilh Inti rcsHiig and Instructive. The scenery IhnnighotiL the trip excels other famous places and tho tourist Is tuk.si dlul- fllilppin CnniinlKtdotuir ur t-hroitgnt to sn sivouiitliig for their jc-lloas. United Klateu District Attorney Hulllvan of thla elty has been Informed of two Instances where masters of schismers have paid their men off without notifying the shipping commissioner.

Captain Jnseith Bender, master of tho schooner Alice McDonald, which recently arrived at Ballard, paid off Ills crew without complying with the law, which specifically state that all masters shall pay their men In the presence of the Shipping Commissioner. Captain Pete Nelson of the schooner Harold Hlckum recently returned from the cod fishing banks, also paid off his men without complying with the law. Both masters will have tu appear and explain their action before United Ktatcs District Attorney Hulllvan. The law Is euucted for the purpose of defending the sailor. One of the main purposes of the legislation was toilmlnate Illegal allotment of wages or other moneys which sometimes occurs aboard veaoela.

United Htute District Ttlorney Bullies Is now Investigating ths charges which were Instigated by one of the sailors nn board the schooners. It Is sail that both masters claim they did no know of the law which required coastwise vessels to pay off before the rhlpplng commissioner. King ftWInge. owners of the Harold Btekum, also professed Ignorance of (he statutes. MAUIXR NOTES.

The steamer Cspllttno left the TTnlnn Kteumshlp Company's docks yesterday afternoon with passengers and cargo of freight of general character for Northern ports. Hie Union Reainshlp Company's steamer Casalur left for the North last night at eight o'clock. Khe carried passengers and freight. The Khlp-Owners' Association of San Francisco met lute test night to discuss the strike situation. Both sides claim that they can carry on the Tight Indefinitely.

The nallora say the ship owners cannot afford to hold out, while the latter assert conditions are becoming mors favorable to them. The Umutllhi, from Kan Francisco was In port last night and left the C. P. R. docks again at 11 p.m.

BACK IN VANCOUVER. Mr. IL M. Martin, son of Mr. F.

X. Martin, returned on the steamer Princess May yesterday from Dnweon, where he resided for many yean. He will make Vancouver hie future home. Before leaving the Yukon Metropolis Mr. Martin was the guest of honor at banquet tendered by the many friends ho has left behind In the golden Klondike.

Mr. Martin was In the Government service In Dawson ever since the strenuous days of K. first as Cleric In the Gold Commissioners office and later, for the past several years In thf Important position of Crown Timber and Land Agent Hie Cniiiptiollcr ascerliilnisl (lie ciisr. through channels, sounds anil iiihtomm uii i'll tier side nr whk-h mountains tower, Ihe effect as the steamer pus- This cnrrliil. BRITISH COLUMBIA AND PUGET: SOUND SHIPPING LIST.

VESSELS ON THE WAV TO KRTXUM COLUMBIA PORTS FROM ANTOfa*gASTA. Oman barque' Admiral TesetboK, tons, Captain Fandt, sn route to Che- COQCXVBO. British harqus Iwanhllde. UM tons, Captain McDonald. En routs to Royal CARDIFF.

1 British steamer' Manor. En route to Vancouver. ROMO KONG. 1 P. R.

steamer Tartar. Due on September 1st. 1 R. M. 8.

Empress of India. Due on September 11th. LONDON. British barque Den, MV tons, Captain Jeffrey. En route to Vancouver win ibmm tifgo, Coni In sd to BobL Wiii ft Cot Urtt iKhroue Banlhstu, Jll tons.

Captain Wilkie; bringing general cargo. LIVERPOOL. British ship Flngal, ME tons. Captain ONeill, on barn at Liverpool Loading general cargo for Vancouver. Coastgnedto Evans, Coleman ft Evans.

British Alp Marlon Fraser. Bound to Victoria with general cargo, Ocean S.B. steamer Telemachus. Due In September. NEW ZEALAND.

British steamer Panda, lMD tone: Expected thle morning. Iliitleh ship Burnt taur, 22H tone, en route to Vancouver. SYDNEY. 1 R. M.

8. Aonngl. Dim on September 31th. H. M.

8. MoanoDue on October 16th. BOTJTH AMERICA. British barque Invernelll, 114B toas. Chartered to load lumber at the Haetlags Mill fur the United Kingdom.

Due Auguet 2Mb. VLADIVOSTOK. British ship Dundee. En route to Royal Roads. SALINAS CRUZ.

Herman ship Alsterkamp, 1761 tons. Chartered to load lumber at ths Hastings Mill fur the. United Klngiluin. Due August 26th. A YOKOHAMA.

O' German ship Nlobe, 1640 tons. Chartered to load lumber at the Hastings Mill lnr tlie United Kingdom. Kritlsu 8.8. Athenian, 2440 tons, en route to Vancouver. Helled August JMh.

VALPARAISO, British ship Dundee. 1N6 (oris. Cbsrterad to load lumber at ths Hastings Mill. fn the United Kingdom. 1 vessels nr fort.

British ship Cleomenn Boatings Mill wharf. German Itarqus Frieda Mmhn. Hastings Mill wharf. British ship Bt. Mirren Hastings Mill whgrf Harqus Alden jjease.

Anchored In stream. British ship Bareore. Evans, Coleman ft Evans' wharf, H. M-. 8.

Empress of China. F. wharf. R. M.

8. lowers, U. P. R. wharf.

Princess May, Evans, Coleman ft Evans wharf. VESSELS EN ROUTE TO PUGET BOUND. Vessels waning to Fuat Sound, with flog, rig) tonnage, master, departure port destination and sailing date: Admiral Texet ho ft Qer, at tone, Pundt Chemalnua. Albert Meyer, Am. 660 tons, Johnson.

Son Francisco. Bellingham. Alex. Gllison. Am.

IM tons, Waylund, Uuaymas. Puget Sound, July Mh. Alex. T. Brown, Am.

tU tons, Me Key, Mchukona, Port Townsend, JulNi IMh. Algos Bay, Hr. Ill tone. Marge no, Iqulque. Puget Bound.

Alice Cook, Am. 721 tons. Penhawow, Honolulu. Gamble, August 4th. Alice McDonald, Am.

666 tons; BL Mlelutel, Port Townsend August 2nd. Alsterkamp, Ocr, 1TM tons, Brulgsm, Ballna Crus, Puget Bound, July 10th. Alta, Chil. likL, Thonegal, 1322 tons. Hung Kong, Port Townsend.

Amt ltegonnkoa, Drag. S36 tons. Ballna Crus, Port Townsend. Andre Theodora, Fr. HOB tons, Lou vet, Honolulu, Port Townsend, August trd, Antlochua.

Br. sh (new) Liverpool. Beattie. Argo, Nor. liW tens.

Hendrickeen. Antwerp, Puget Round. Ascensions. Itul. IBS Iona.

Trapani, Antwerp, Port Townsend, Feb. SMhu ailed from Falmouth March 18th. 1 Australian. Ur. IKS tons, Jollffe, Hamburg.

Tsqoms. April 24th. Bangor. Am. 2N tens Las, Ballna 'Urua Puget Mound, July 6th.

Hellerophon. Br. 6727 tons. Antwerp, Puget Bound, July Hat. Black heat, Br.

1716 tons. Bherbourne, Muroran, victoria, August 16th. Bldart. Fr. 1131 tons, PI naan net, Glasgow, Tacoma.

May Pan. Blakeley, Am. h- at tang Bauman, Ban Francisco, Port Blakeley. Usnrobert Fr. bqT, IM tana, Leroy, Glasgow, Port Townsend, April 26th.

4 Uhss. F. Crocker, Am. bkt, NS tons, Dewars, Ban Pedro, Port Townsend. Aug-'1 ust iTtn.

Col. do Vlllebotse, Fr. 1712 tons, Quemper, Hamburg, Port Townsend, June 16th. i Csstor, Br. 1BGB tens, Campbell, Iqulpue.

Port Townsend, July 66th. Celtla Chief. Br. IRS tons. Jonea.

Valparaiso, Port Townsend. Cntecenfc Am. 1634 tens, Olsen. Shanghai, 1011 Townsend, July 27th. C.

S. Holmes, Am. 176 tons, Thompson, Ban Pedro, Port Townsend, August 12th. Denderah. Qer.

Jensen, net) tons. Hamburg. Tacoma, July 2nd. Diamond Head. Am.

961 tons, Peterson, Ban Francisco. Port Townsend. Dunsteirnngc, Br. sh 212 tons, Forbes. Antwerp.

Port Townsend, July 6th. KJdurndu, Ajii. 764 tons, Jansen, Ban Pedro, ort Townsend, August 4th. Kllerbek, tier. 1612 tons.

Usds, Masatlnn, Port IjWpouhi. Emily Reed, Am. 1406 tuns, Davidson, Honolulu, Pait Townsend. English Monarch, mt tons, Quaymas, Port Townsend. Erie, Am.

4M tons, Jorgensen, Ban Pedro. Port Townsend, August 4lh. Ernest Lrgouve, Fr. 1646 tons, Blanche. Hamburg, Puget Bound.

Kh. Ethel -Kane, Am. 407 tons. Krrett, 8an Diego, Port Townsend, August 3rd. Flngal, Br.

2433 tona O'Neill, Ltvetpool, Royal Roads. April 23th. Forest Hume, Am. 60 tons, Anderson, Ban Francisco, Brattle. Forteviot, Br.

Ml tens, Finlay, Hamburg, Puget Bound. Fresno, Am. 1141 tons, Patterson, Ban Francisco, port Gamble, Auguet 6th. Gamble, Am. 626 tens, Knudaen, ton Frsneleco, Port Town send, Aug.

17th. Geo. H. Billings, Am. 1U6 tons, If holm, Honolulu.

Port Townsend. Fairchild, Am. 1107 tons, BerXman, Nome. Brattle, llarveater. Am.

7U tons. Hillman. Vyuk Bey, Brattle. H. D.

Bendlxsen, Am. 670 tram, Thonnel. Ban Pedro, Tacoma. August 1st Hero (ex Anemone), Nor. UK tons- Mortensen, Bxhtvenay, Tacoma, July vtn.

Hoyades. Am. M2 tons Alwen, Tokohamo. Brattle, Angiut 22nd. w.

Ida Bchnauer, Am. 204 tons, Baumkn.ton Francisco, Port Gamble; Aug. I6tht Inca, Am. Ml tons, Rasmussen, Shanghai, Port Townsend. In vernal Br.

1340 tona, Bymmona Guoymaa, Royal Roads. July 4th. Invincible, Am. 1267 tons. Chipper fkhl.

Valparaiso, Port Blakeley. Isleworth, Br. 1716 tons, Cox, Carmen Island, Victoria. Itella, Itol. 1106 tons, Brlgnet, Antwerp, Port Townsend; sailed from March 17th.

Irerns, Br. 2220 tons. Celllngwood, Acanulco, Port Townsend. Jsben Howes, Am. 1464 tons, Clapp-Valparaiso, Port Townsend, August 3rd.

J. IL Lunsman, Am. 662 tons, Anocraun, Bnnta Rosalia, Port Townsend, August 7th. Jamen Nesmith. Am.

1632 tons, Warner, Fort WrangrI, Port Townsend. Jeon. Fr. 1706 tona, La Gal, London. Jhiget Bound, Auguet 23rd.

J. M. Griffith, Am. bkL, 631 tona, Brat. Newport.

Had lock, August 24th. "Ut101'" Nrth' Am' 190 tona Ban Francisco. Port Gamble, August John Palmer. Am. bkt.

1060 tons. ton Francisco, Everett, August 21 at. gjf0- H- Thomas, Am. iwf tong, Holerow, Gunymnn, Port Townsend, July J. W.

Cline, Am. 716 tons, Haley, Redondo. Tacoma, August 8th. jV teni Jap- 2107 tons, Chris n- Hong Kong. Brattle.

Kalulsnl, Ant. 14)0 tons, Colby, Francisco, Beattie, August 6th. naCyus. Am. 6 tons, ton Francisco.

Tacoma. Klickitat, Am. bkL, 417 tons, Butler. Honolulu, Port Gamble, August Hh. i.

Knutoford, Br. 208 long, Isiwland, Hang Kong, Townsend. Kohsls, Am. bkt. 776 tons, Dedrlck.

Bhnnghnl, Port Townsend. 11 Lisbclh. Uer. am tona Knnk, BsnPdro. Port Townsend, Aug.

-St h. Idrnwn D. Foster, Am. 802 tons, K1.1.". Tokohamn.

FortTOwnaend. Manhattan, Am. tons, Hoston, Puget Bound. April Ith. Manor, Br.

mg tons, aijllf. Victoria, July 17th. Margurrite Dollfu Fr. UM tons, toutrel. Antwerp; Puget Bound, July 27th.

-rp' t0" Bianchett, port Townsend, June Fraser. Br. 22M toon, Irish; Puget Bound, August 24th. Martha Roux. Fr.

ug tons, Oornler- Leith, Puget Bound. May list. Jth11ry E. Foster, Am. 69 tons, Johr-n' Honolulu, Port Townsend, August Turmr Am to, 761 tons, TroBor- Jondo, Port Blakeley.

August MclAurln. Am. 1112 tons. Werry, ton Pedro, rort Townsend. 2064 tona Hamburg.

Brattle, July let Mldgord, Ger. 2734 tons. Ouoymaa. Townamd. Minnesota, Am.

13,321 tons. Hona.Kon' Beattie. Nrak. Ger. 2121 tons.

Bleslcke, yoitotna. Port Townsend. 1 Nlng Chow, Br. 6716 tone. Allan.

Liverpool, Tacoma. -Nlobe. Qer. low tons, Serekena. yokohama, Puget Bound.

Okanagan. Am. 6M tons. Retd Be" Mm, Pert Tnwnaend. Olive bank, Hr.

2M7 tons HeidgT townsend. May 17th. Pleiades. Am. la tuns.

Puringt0" Kob Seattle. Polsria. Am. 717 tons, Unahulm! Honlla. Port Townsend.

Auguet 6th. Rf- 2131 IBtS" GuW" Horo Br. 1646 tons, Gsrrlock, Pt Bound' April 6th. Ketrlvvrr, Am. 476 tons.

Sloan. Bn Franrlseo. Hadloek. Rosamond. Am.

IB tons. Chose. Bu Frsnrieeo, Mukllteo. tolrm. Am.

tone, Anderaon, Olympia. August 2Mh, tordhana. Br. 1111 tom, Wllker, temdon. British Cidnmbta.

Brhwuraenhek. Ger. 1177 tons, Honn- tont Roaulla, Port Townsend. B. D.

Cnrieton. Am. 1671 tana; "fynia Port Townsend. Brhonte, Am. tone.

Mat Ison, Fort Townsend, August Ird. Henipls. Git. 169 tona RIcherL Hamburg. BraUte-Ttwomo.

Bhlnano Maru. Jap. 2M0 tons. Ohn Kong. Brattle.

BkaglL Am. 444 tone. Rase. Ban FnriM, Piirt Gamble. August Hh.

Btlinson, Am. 69 tons. Peterson, Rftondo. Balterd. Bt.

James, Am. 1431 tona fort Townsend. 8L Pwul. Am. 1624 tons.

Snow, Ch!" Ray, Brattle. Bureric. Br. 4036 tons. Glasgow.

Tanga Maru, Jap. 6T1I tona, Mao' Ytrtudiama. Brattle. Aug. 22nd.

Telemachus, Br. 4161 tons. Goodwln Liverpool, Ts corns. June 17th. The lasso, Ger.

138 tons. Quyn. Townsend. T. P.

Finish, 63 tons. Ipeen, Ban Fed' TcS.mA' Trcnumt. Am. IU6 tons. Garlic ha, Hong Kong.

Brattle. Uruguay. Holg. -Str. (formerly 1772 tons, Antwerp, Puget Bound.

May 2nd. Villa de Nuthouse. 248 tons, Bony, ton Diego. Tacoma, August Ird. Visigoth.

Br. 2611 tons. Rule, Ban Francisco. Port Townsend. Wswone.

Am. 411 tons, Prasley, ton Pedro. Tacoma, August Ith. W. (I.

Irwin. Am. bg 27 tons. Garlic, ton Francisco. Roche Harbor.

A new system of slrcel-IlKhlliiK In the resident lul illHlrk In Ik iioL jiii Im-pmhnhlllty, AM. liaise hiii! nilvr member of ilu Flnmce 'niiinili mi fnvur.ibly lniirraeil with llie appefirmice nf Hip inelhuil of lighting at English Hoy Ihut thpy am of Hip nplnlmi, hh It la Hip i IipihkhI uml tent. thut Hiiili! Mill waul II. Tin1 benefit briefly are that it Ik very nniaiiieiilal, the Halit Ik where you want It, anil II eualK veiy llllle. The flintier eunie up III I he iIIwukmIiiii of the rueunuueiiilalliHi nf Hie Kleelrleliin that the lights nlnuiM be extended along the pnvenieiil an fur hm the Ittrk entrunee on lleueh Avenue, ut enel of 2423.

the ciilllrurt for the other pnlilnn, from the prenent teriulnulhni ul tu Gilford Street, huvlng ulreuily been let. TIumw prewiil ul I he Unm-nilltee meeting were Alilerinen HuKe (Uhulnnun). William-, Morion, Stewarl, iklluin ami limp. Aid. Murtini omWKD TIIK EXTENSION an It wua iHiKl-iirlvain priqierly, unit AM.

Williams questioned whether mntiey should bo mikmiI in that iiuurter nf the City when the ratepuyem had voted twice ugaluxt expcmlMumi lliora AM. llalae and Aid. Odium were of the opinion thla was hardly the aanw question hk me linprureniviil of English liny. The I'luilrmun further Minted thut tlio oyHlein of huvitiK ImnpK on the curb wua the bent nyiileui of lighting and looked well. When Miipl iuiw the lieaullful appearance and observed how well Ilia imventeiit.

wua lighted there would be applkullona lu linvn It In many purla of the residential il Inti kin ull over. Hie City. AM. Morton suggested Ihul Hie y-tein alinuld be Inalalled. If the lights were exteiulPd lo the Park entranee, two of tho are lltthta would be dlapeneed The recommondalluu wan earrled.

AM. Wllllami voting nay. lie. explained that peraonally 'ha woe In favor of the Improvement Anil voted that way because of the action of the people prevlotiBly. OLD PEOPLE'S HOME.

Mince the City Hollillor rciuirted against the City lending lleeir money from tlie Klnklnjt Fund to purchase ranch on which un old iieoplr'a hoine mixht be eetabllNhed, Aid. IIiiIho aald II was up tu tlie Umniidltue (o do aome-' thing to make arrangemciila rlRlil awuy far such place. Aid. Wlllluina wld that In Vhdorli the clly erecleil a bundling lit cost of $16,000 out of the rovPiiuo. He urged that the 1 question wus a pressing and should bo attended to.

The old Ilnepltiil building wua aug-Rested by the Chairman as temporary quarters, after It was relinquished by the Hospital Board and the Children's Aid Society hail vacated. There were 17 old people an hand now, mid two more to be odded In the llat. The question wna referred In Aider-men Williams and Odium and Dr. Un-- derblll to report un whut cIihiirck are necessary in the hospital building, and If accommodation would lie available for them there. Aid.

Murton objected tu Hie City taking over the old people now there, and who lutve been cared for by Ihe Hoapltul Board, other niMiiliers, however, did not agree with him. MOT CITT'H KACLT. The City Clerk repotted In coimce-tlpn with the letter from Meant Evens, Coleman A Evans that they would claim damages fur the city not purchasing coal from them, having accepted their tender, that when the contract had been prepared he had sent It on request to Mmutra. Evans, Coleman ft Evans. The firm hod purred It on In their solicitor, anil the contract lud Just been returned lo the City Hill.

HOLImUll TU APPKAIt IX INJUNCTION PltnURKDIXUS. UF BUCK OX HTISKKT RAILWAY. AM. Wlllliinis linmght up tlie quen-t bm If the hauling of ris'k over llie street rnllwsy wus In accordance with ngi cen. cm.

nnil If tho Clly was obtaining llie seven tents per yard offered hy the fiuHl Quarries Company. Tlie Uluilrmnii said lie remi'Hiliered permission having lieou granted lo iil-low risk lu be taken on tho street railway from the South Vancouver quurry hut he did not think there was any other agreement. The Comptroller aald there was no agreement, and he hud railed the ut-leiilliin of the Clly HnWltnr to Ilia mutter Ihri-e weeks ago. That oHIclal said an tiir.irninl umuigciiu'iit hml been made. Morton said tho Comiwiny wus ullnwed, by speulul nssilutlon.

to haul Clly nsk over Ihe railway. Tin iialter was refcAwl for report In the Comptroller. KKUHKATION ROUNDS. That Ward VI uhuuld have recrcu-tlun gnuiiiil mus advocated by A1J. WHIIains, and after dlsi'usakiu of the subject, it Oilnnilttce was appointed to consider Hie question- of grounds for the different wards.

Aid. WUIIhAis said he hnd one or two b'oekit In view, and he said that these slinuM be purehaeed before the price went an high that Abq City rould not think of buying. Aid. liaise was decidedly In favor of HK-reiiikin grounds for all parts of llie 'IV' AM. odluin suggested a Joint ground for Wards lit.

end IV. AM. liaise and the Mayor were ap-pointed a committee In took over de-slmhli! uoH-rtles and get options. I NCI IIATOR SITE. What about Hie site for the Aid.

Wlllktma queried. He stiitiHi th.it the opt Ion for for the site back of (lie (las Works, whlrh whs voted for by tho Council, had ex-plied. pniwrty was now going at 140,000. Aid. llA'se sold It wua a disgrace to the City Ihe way this Incinerator question had drugged along for two yen is.

If the jieople ever hud a kick they had one this Instance. Aid. Williams explained that everything was ready to proceed with tho building of the plant aa stain as tho Council decided upon a alte. It wus suggested that the Medical Health officer see If an extension of the opilm could he had until llie bylaw was voted on In January, but AM. iMium did not think thli wris possible, sa prin would rise much before Hint Hire.

If no extension cuulil bo obtained. Aid. liaise thought the silo could be purchased anyway. If the Council so dech'e i. The Medical Health Officer will retail at tho Council meeting In regard to the option.

DTIIRII MATTEItH. The Clly Comptroller reported that the C. Telephone Company wus lug tlie City's right-of-way through the Indlnn reserve for Its pole line lo North Hume. D. Lennor, J.

MeCalmen. lx- Tour, Ij. Akin, V. Ixi Tour, Jessie It. Mills, flulchcr, n.

Hhhsrilson, W. W. Drosser. Ed. Newton, If.

Hendon. B. Armsen, H. 1-eunard. T.

H. Murphy, MoKendal, Mrs. Tomlinson, F. W. Mitchell, T.

Collins, J. C. Mun. H. FHrgher and wife, 8.

(linen, F. II. Walker, A. Walker, 8. Bronson, John McMillan and wife, Miss Kwen.

M. II. ChrlstiMiii, B. K. Xnliery, M.

8. Keeney. 41. (I.Andersoii. J.

K. Cnokcrly. Mni. K. 8.

Todd, 8. Tuke, Mrs. TlH'ke, A. Ilullliuil. The Princess May brought down I.OUd eaacN of gnlnion from Claxton.

She llnclrargeil ul thla isirt and later left for Victoria. Khe la scheduled to sail North again tuinorrow night. TIIK TAItTAIl AUUIVEU. Tlu; big C. I.

It. steamer Tartar, t'oniniHiidi J. II. Davla, arrived In luiit lute ycslcrday afternoon having made the trip from Yokohama In twelve days. Khe brought over 2,1110 tons of eurgo, a quantity of which Is silk.

Ill addition to tlie Hat of pasaen-grru given below there were four buinlrtd atccrjge lutsscugera, 43 being CliliHue. 34 Japanese and the balance of over SOU Hindus. The Tartar le discharging at thu C. P. It.

docks. The luissciigrr list wus: N. K. Buy-less, Jtev. K.

D. Boon. A. Carlisle, Pang (I. i.

Cherry. Mr. aud Mrs. C. C.

Coulter, hire. K. Kurmer and I'h'liln'ii, if. il, tlraddy, Mr. and Mrs.

I IT J. I lew soil. Mr. and Mrs. I.

Ichlno, lir. H. If. Ivey, ltcv. E.

James. Mias V. Kupler, C. B. I F.

N. Fepon, C. McConnell. Mataomoto, Wm. Milne, A.

W. Morse, Dr. Nlshlmura, A. P. Olsen, a.

A. Fllaworth, J. J. Piidortiitm. Mra.

J. J. Platorloua. A. llh'hirt1on.

Mrs. Blehardaon, Miss 'li'liarilsiin. Muster II. Hr hard son, Rev. F.

N. Hcott, W. Knkoloff, O. Stephens, A. Htupersky, J.

Hulllvsli, J. H. Illilrkctt, E. K. Wood.

II. M. H. DOMINION. Tliu latest odvki.

from Halifax imiflrin the report made by the ship's divers at tho time nf the accident, that she would bo elite to fill out her engagement 'befom having to return to Portsmouth fur repairs. The accident lu the battleship bearing the Canadian lllte occurred on the night of Aug-uni lh whilst she was on her way up tlie KL Iatwrence, and near eourla, P. E. I. The navigating officer mistook a bush fire to be one of the Souris range lights and was thus astray In hla aurrounu.ugs.

tt la customary for all British warships coming the 81. Lawrence I tu enter All portal and proceed up all trlliutrry riven. In caaa of future necessity In times of war; All ships carry charts oi Mt. Lawrence from which -the navlg.it-ii.g Is dlivctril. Ini this ease the claim Is made that the charts are faulty and If such hi proven to be the ease It will nrceexltslc a new marine survey nf the win dc of the Ut.

Lawrence and a rc.nlJUHtnii nt of all the lights. The Dominion la tn comimfnd of Capliiin Charles K. Klngsmlll, a Canadian. Klin has a tonnage of lSJiU. ami Is at present one of tho largest vessels In the British Navy.

Bhe was liiunchril on August 24th, 1902, Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise performlrg the nnmlng ceremony. THE AI.L-C. P. H. MAIL ROUTE.

Tho new schedule for malls between Liverpool and Hong-Kong whs begun Inst night when the R. M. Empress of irrlaml. delivered the English mall to Hie waiting C. P.

R. train at The Empress at Ireland left Liverpool on August S4tli, arriving In Quebec ycKlerduy, The run between Quebec uml Vancouver la to be inode In hours, the mall train stopping at onty few nt the more Important places route, and arriving In Vancouver next Tuesday, September 4th. This will runnert with the Empress of Chinn, now In port which sails that day Hnd la due to arrive In Hong-Kong nn September thua delivering the English mall In three daya less than one month after travelling over 12,000 mllea by soa and land and never being once out of the C. P. R.

Companys responsibility. NOTICE TO MARINERS. The llfdrographle. Office reports the following notices to mariners of eori-liiloiiH affecting tho channels of British Columbia and Alaska: British Columbia Chatham Sound, Mina Harbor entrance, uncharted reef -Captain Kuunders of the British sleumer Cumosun reports that on July 24th. r.tou, at T.U o.m., hla vessel slrih-k on nn uncharted reef at the lllrall1 to Lima Harbor.

ChHtham Kound. British Columbia. The rct-f hna about ten feet nf water r.vor II and is Indicated by some kelp which wus run under by Hie tide at the time fd striking. The reef apHHrs to be about fifty feet long curt ami, west. The Cumosun sustained considerable damugo.

Approximate position: Latitude S4 degrees II longitude 130 degrrea 24 V. Alaska Tlasgu Peninsula, Hannak Island, ruck and reef to ouulhwerd nml unulliwcHlward The officer In charge of thu bmnrh hydrographic office In Kan Francisco reports under dale of August Tilt, 1MC, that Captain B. Koehler, of llu trading schooner Ciiiina. reports a rock, over whlrh the sea In a moderate swell, located southward nf Hannak Island In (iipproxiimilcly) latitude degrees 17 longitude 162 degrees 36 W. Also Hint a reef shout six miles long and 1 1-2 miles wide, extending In tin east by rnuth and west hy north tm.ignetici direction, exists about six miles nnithwestwnrd of Clifford Island.

This reef has depths nf from Iwo to seven fathoms over It. the IneaHnn'of the spr: nr least depth, which Is near the western rml. being In (approximately) lotltudi 24 21 N7. longitude 133 C2 V. A PAYINrt-OFF BULK.

Mail cts of vessels urrlvlug In port, suye a Hoitt.e drapatvh. whether In the const wise trade or who wish to pay their crews off. -must do sn In the presenre of the United si's through la k.g nuigiilflceiit. Inter eating smts arc vlalted during the voyage and llie steamer stops sufficiently lung enough lo enable Hie nts-m tigers In Htrvli'li llielr legs. 'crsons at Yaiunuver fur a trip tu Aluska P'Oi'h Kkagwuy, one of tlie inust iinmiliirnl plan In llie North In llu- early days of Hie rush, after a trip Mhicli occupies about three days.

Hero the steuiner makes a stop of a day nr more and during this time tlie passengers tun make the trip over the White Fuss Yukon route to Bennett where luncheon la served after which Hie return trip Is commenced. The trains leave Hkugway dully at B.an a.111. and the run to Bennett Is iiiinlc In llillo over three luiurs. The (rip to His Kuimnit of Hie White Iarr is one i Ihe most enjoyable anybody i-iiuid w'Sh to experience. Thedln-li'iice Is about 1( miles and commencing at lh sea level' tho train ascends the iiiuuiilnli.s on a loop reaching a height of over 2.000 feet.

Tlie laid along I ho ridge on the aide of the iiinuiiljln uml llm passengers cun see iIiimii into Ihe White luss, hundreds of ret Tho old trail over which thousands travelled In the early days can be seen from the The. steamer Princess tfay left Kkagwiy oil her recent trip 'on Monday; evening Met at o'clock, Ketchl-k'in wns reaclird on Tuesday night and ihe following day Port fflmpsnn, Port Hash a I fin and Claxton wen- reached. After a good passage across (Jui-cn t'hurliAte Bound on Thursday lnnmlng. Alert Bay, ni of the most piiriillnent Indian aettlome'nls, npprop-rralMy 'leriiieil ihe metropolis of the Xunhcrq Indians, wua reached. Here llie NiHHiner remained an hour lo eu-nlile life passengers to visit tlie qualm old Indlun village.

Alert Bay la llie only piste nf llie kind In British Columbia where a big display of totem pules Is made. At tills point almost every hut -or stare lias a totem- pole of the must unique designs. The Indians. many of whom are wearing the century mark, spend their time In making nunnes and totem poles and fishing. The passengers were afforded an excellent opH rtuulty of securing photographs and the camera flenda were much In evidence.

Alert Bay was recently Ihe scene nf one of the largest poi Inches ever held In the North. hom*o MU Indiana gathered there and tho celebration lasted for srvcral weeks. Tho trip down on tho Princess May wus very enjiyahle and splendid weather prt vnlird. On Wednesday night an impromptu concert wus held In which several of the imsifciigcrs took pan. The passehgera were krai In their praise at Ihg courteous treatment ncelvrd at Ihe hands of Captain Mr-la-uil.

I'unur Moore, Chief Officer Ferris. Chief Engineer 11 ca rath, anil oilier affliera nr the steamer. Among'' the p.issepgers who arrived on the steamer were Judge Klllsm and Dr. Mills, members of the Hallway Commission who have heen holding si minus In' Dawson; 8. (I raves, President of the White Pass ft Yukon route; K.

H. Busby, Inapcrtur nf Canadian Customs in the Yukon; Dr. uilure of Hie K. N. W.

M. I 14. Klmmuii'i. formerly Collector nf Customs Adolphus municd from a Hrrcxe, not her been in Ihe Yukon Dr. I Hein-iimller Mho HrcnmpHr.lcd made ihe round formerly of thin artcr on alixcwc D.

M. Htlrton nf Bcrvk-c who has miniver, ra who arrived Mina Illkliigton Pllklngton, Win. O. Manxell, K. II.

J. Hansen, Dane. O. McKIn-iimi. Evans, T.

tinlshl. Mlfe. II. IlM'ard. T.

(ikuinulo, P. Wilt, A. I). J. Klrfnot.

(leurge, C. fl. Msi-leod, T. H. I.ay-liml.

W. Kutlierland. K. lircluM. A.

W. Hansen, j. D. A. Mein and wife.

Muster Mrs. J. Flu-win. Master Fluwln. Tall, Wm.

Lord, Miss K. Munsle. nnil 2 children. Miss Bushy. Clements, Mrs.

II, I.afreriy. J. Milton. H. N.

William. lUulton. EIlsii-beth Hommer. Mr. Johnston.

F. H. Mrs. P.urrrtt. Kberlart, Miss A.

Crawford. MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. "ON TIIB. Fresh from his success In Australia, which throughout the entire Hummer, comes William Collier under the (llreetlon of Charles Frohman, to the Vancouver Opera llouss, Monday even Ing. for two nights.

In ths popular Augustus Thomas ftiree. entitled On the Quiet. over which London laughed with delight when tlie comedian was sent thither by Mr. Frohman a year ago on flying visit of a counts of weeks by way nf experiment, and tflo experiment was so successful that tlw actor's' stay In ths British capita! wan prolonged to nearly five months. Mr.

Collier developed Into a star of Importunes within that brief Interval, after years of almost Indifferent results In hla own country under the manipulation of a succession of previous managers of more or less influence. Mr. Collier haa now attained the senlth of his ambition and undeniably occupies a niche all hin own that no other actor known to the stage can possibly fill, for the Center genius le In a class by itself. OEOROIA MINSTRELS. No minstrel show ever mode a tour of the country and received as many favorable continents, both from the press and public, as wna given last season to Klchsrds ft Pringle's Famous Georgia Minstrels.

You could hear It on the streeta, In hotels, in Oust, everywhere, the good things that were being said of ths performance; the band also cams in for their share of praise. The management promises this season ss good. If not a better show, than aver; they have retained the leading members from last year and added a lot of new once tliat are said to be exceptionally clever artists. They will appear at the Open House ou Monday, Heptuniber 6th. "COLLEGE LIFE." The above Is one" of the song hits of the big production which la now being rehearsed In the Elks' Hall, corner of Granville and Robson Streets as may have been noticed by those passing to and from the Bay or down town.

If you happened along there about the time rehereal starts you would hear a chorus of voices that would forcibly remind you of the fact that the opera season Is nearly here again and that you are entitled to the very best that has been produced during the Bummer In tlie way of plota and musical hits. While the plot In A Trip to Happy-land" ntny be a little obscure, there Is no denying that the songs are the best and latest la musical hlta. From the jump off with "College Life, a hit with several iiarts lo It- and much swing, down to Afloat on a Five Dollar Nate, there Is not one minute but that Is overflowing with music, mirth and laughter and If the audience Is not moved to enthusiasm and cheering when General O'Which enters and expounds the intricacies of hla name Il will not be the fault of a "trying-to-plraee-tlie-publlc aggregation. If Vancouverites are not surprised at the uncommon amount of good talent that Is put Into play In this production It will not be because It la not there. Anyone who saw Cupid in Pusterland" cannot but be convinced nf the bonafldenesa of this play when Mr.

Evans says It Is superior In every way to the latter production. THE PIANO RECITAL. The piano recital given In the CKy Hall last night by Miss Claire Gordon was certainly most auspicious of tlio concert season. Min Gordon Is sn acquisition to Vancouver, her playing be'pg remarkably enjoyable. Lack of space forblda a critique sufflcently appreciative In thla Issue, but such will be given in Sunday's Issue.

"THE NEW LANDLORD." 'The New Landlord" will be repeated for the last time the Vancouver Amateur Dramatic Company tonight at the City Hall. Iteport was mode of tho application for nn Injunct km by interested nrop- i .11 Ekwlrlc Hallway liivlln-erly owners to restrain the City from proceeding with tlie ciinslrucllon of tlie II up the the hnaeineut drain In thu I me between I1 ''vpted. Tills quarry Pi'iider and Hasthigs HI reel In firan- 1 wl11 vllle front llhinllton. he 11 AM. Morton said thu proinn'ty-owiiers i 1 hud agreed lo the eniislriailiin of this J-- coslik-r drain ut llie depth ileelded UMill, whleli re- wnuld heSI feet at lliiiiiilton Klreet.

It was first pi to eonslruit w're voted the, triiiisnrrcd to Vs shallow drains, one on Hustings rmiKli.g for Hie rc.i.p- The oilier WKei.go! the other to drain the IVmlcr Hired I proisnly, but these M'oull 1 more Hihii the di-ep one. lie lUro.i ly adviK'sted to let the matter drop, since the pnqierty ov.iicrr, d'd mil want ilo lira In. Aid. Hulse couiu'elliil having the Clly Solicitor apwar when llm cuse ciinie up agulu, and stale the cln-iiniHlHin-e. Even If tlu City hoii out.

It might lie advisable to change the route. Ald. Mutton snkl the licst forcniHn the City had was pm on the Job and ha had tui fesr of diiniiiyc. lie again ugRcste.1 tluit Instisnl nf bothering with the Court tu ul nee arrange for another Court of Itevlstou and hnvii ths route changed lo lonie doMii Homer Klreet. It whs clulnwil In the proceedlnga tliat the plaster fell rnt.ii the celling of the Inns of Conn biillil-Ing oa a result of lilastliig.

ulic.i tint oiswiitkin was curried mi on tin opimi-site side nf the street. The Building Iuiectiir had belter condemn such a sliuky butldhiK ss unsafe Aid. Heaps liiughnk' If the rtmini of Works, iloeg Hie work It gets kicked, iinil If II doc not it gets kk'ked. Aid. Mnrtmi lamented.

He happy in Jill eases," was the advice of AM. Odium. Oh, we are," wus the hasty assurance of the Chairman of the hard-worked Committee. It was decided that the City Solicitor lit Caribou. Y.

"111 Inins, K. who trip to Imm'soii: J. D. V.iiicnuvrrile who hua for several ir.imlhi; of Victoria hy Mrs. Itclsmuller trip; Ik M.

Marlin, Clly M'lin returned of sever il rs, and the Canadian CuHlnmn a ii Ihe steamer were Mrs. W. W. Dresser, K. Pilkinsloii.

Miss IHlej. V. llognou. ibiiffrlnii, M. J.

Phelan, f. Mlg.yn. Wm. n. T.

liana. C. It. F. Itiindolph and Hli'ug.

Chas. Keller, J. Jackson, C. C. Deaton, F.

Nelson, A. Phlylji, Miss Dnncnii. lt. D. lildlvy.

J. Htlodcun, K. Topping. P. H.

Ellkitt, W. E. Cidllsnn. J. Walics.

J. Dnvey, K. Mi'Dougull, K. Iverson. S.

If Illlii. W. H. Whlllqy. tryc, M.

P. Wilson Mrs. A. Trapp. Muster Flnwln.

Master Fnlwln. J. 8. mill ins, e. KniMrii, A.

iVHiillIvsn. Mr. Busby Miss McFarlunc. Matter Bushy. M.

C. Simmons, Piinimms. T.r .1. Patter. Ktnwart, Turciire.

Mi. I-iipyton, J. C. Noll. Mrs.

T. M. Dnulton, Mm. Ildmnier, Mrs. If.

Ci.iyitdi. Mra. Clsysten. J. E.

Ebertsrt. Mrs. Ela-rtart. K. MitjIs.

F. son. has been installed ns (hillector nf If. House, H. Ilolshl.

Cth. vv. H. Talbot, Am. 74) tons, Benneche, Port Townsend.

July Willis A. Holden. Am. 1046 tone, t-1' Redondo, Blakeley. Auguet 25th.

Yoermltrt Ohll. 1M1 tons. Uellto Ookwo, Port Tnwnaend. Yucatan. Am.

237 tons, Johnson, New York, Brattle. A meck-lnoklng young man presented himself at a business mans office not long ago in search of a situation. He bora several letters of recommendation from Influential men, no ths merchant wished to give him a trial, put wan a little pusxled aa to wliat he wttn suited fbr. But what can you do, young man? he said. "Haven't you some special talent or taste some bent, aa they say?" "No no," replied the applicant, dubiously, "rot that I think of except that I am a little bow-legged." A minister, walking along a brook One Sunday, observed a boy finking.

After seeing him catch several fish, he approached the boy, and raid: "My boy. dont you ktww It In not right to bo fishing on Run day And, besides, it la very cruel to Insert that harp hook into that poor beetle. soy, mister, dat ain't no beetle; det'e only an Imitation bug, aald Uw Oh. 1 thought It was a real one;" Lifting a string of fish out of tho brook. "So did these suckers," retorted tho boy.

'v' tjt i'" I ll On Ihe doors of Ihe tram cars In some German cities marks are placed, and nil children-entering whose height does not come up to Hint mark are permitted to travel free. D. I Knsefeld, and the Engineer should appear In Customs at Caribou. Mrs. McQunllnn, Miss R.

Curtis. Mrs..

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.